Kayaking Laguna Madre
Recently my husband and I went kayaking in Laguna Madre in Port Mansfield, Texas near Brownsville in the southern tip of Texas. It was – what I would consider – a fairly easy kayaking trip. It was easy to put in right from the shore. The waves were very calm and gentle with an occasional splash over the tip of the kayak. The water was also very shallow, perhaps 2-feet deep about 500-feet from the shore. You could stand up and walk back to shore. I would recommend this trip to a beginner kayaker because of its simplicity and the shallow water. We saw a wide variety of wildlife and sea birds.

Explore the island a bit and see the remnants of a boardwalk. If you are lucky you will also see the herd of Nilgai Antalope that were imported to the island in the 1940’s.