
San Antonio Historic Boutique Hotel: Hotel Gibbs

Located in San Antonio, just steps from the Alamo Mission and Riverwalk is the Hotel Gibbs. Built in 1909, this…

December 29, 2018

Sailing the Sea of Cortez video

Sailing to unplug Before we became empty nesters we sailed the Sea of Cortez with our sons. This is a…

September 16, 2016

A hidden gem in the Yorkshire Dales

A Yorkshire Dales Discovery Tucked away in the Yorkshire Dales National Park in Tupgill Coverham, Leyburn is a fabulously fun…

September 15, 2015

Travel Opportunities abound!

Earlier this summer I had took the opportunity to become involved in something that has been around since people have…

September 10, 2015

What did you do this weekend?

Labor Day, which is the first Monday in September, is a national holiday to honor the contributions that American workers…

September 9, 2015

Getting Ready

Graduate High School Our next overseas trip is fast approaching! When our kids graduate high school they get to choose…

May 6, 2015